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Teacher Resource Books

AlphaAssess provides resources for assessing early literacy to enable specific teaching.

Two teacher resource books − The First Step: Assessing Early Literacy and The Next Step: Developing Early Literacy − are used in conjunction with 28 benchmark books.

The First Step: Assessing Early Literacy

  • contains observational reading and writing record proformas linked to the 28 benchmark books
  • enables teachers to confirm the reading level of each student and then to diagnose any difficulties so that teaching can be planned according to the needs of students
  • includes a collection of assessment tasks based on concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency

The Next Step: Developing Early Literacy

This companion book takes the next step by providing practical and explicit teaching strategies supported by blackline master activities for groups and individuals.

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Oxford University Press

For Early Literacy (Australia)
enquiries and sales:

1300 650 616

Eleanor Cutain Publishing

enquiries and sales:

+613 9867 4880


For Early Literacy (New Zealand)
enquiries and sales:

021 585 975 or 0800 782 337


For Early Literacy (Ireland)
enquiries and sales:

+353 1 413 7200